Nicole Scherzinger returns to the West End this September, starring as the immortal Norma Desmond in a new production of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s legendary Sunset Boulevard, with lyrics (and book) by Don Black and Christopher Hampton, and directed by Jamie Lloyd.
Sunset Boulevard arrives at London’s Savoy Theatre for a limited 16-week run from 21 September 2023 – 6 January 2024. Book your tickets here
Don’s new production of Dracula opens in Graas, Switzerland on August 11th. This is the show in which he co-wrote the book and lyrics with Christopher Hampton. The music is by Frank Wildhorn.
(Lyrics Don Black and Christopher Hampton, music by George Fenton, direction by Trevor Nunn) 2023
(Andrew Lloyd Webber, lyrics (and book) by Don Black and Christopher Hampton, directed by Jamie Lloyd) 2023
For Sunset, Lloyd Webber paired Black with the theatre and film writer Christopher Hampton. Coincidentally, Hampton had long thought the film would make a good musical, and had approached Paramount Studios for the rights, only to discover that someone else was already negotiating for them. That someone was Andrew Lloyd Webber.
Don’s next full musical with Andrew Lloyd Webber was as big as they come, in terms of cost, size and pressure. Don was about to tackle a legend, one of Hollywood’s most famous – Sunset Boulevard.
While some might have thought it a daunting task to musicalise one of Hollywood’s most famous films, Black – ever the optimist – was far from cowed. ‘I didn’t look at the negatives,’ he says. ‘I was hooked as soon as Andrew played me the tunes. He was at the piano, playing and saying, “And this is where she comes down the staircase.” And these incredible melodies were pouring out. I think it’s his best score. Heaven.’
Nicole Scherzinger returns to the West End this September, starring as the immortal Norma Desmond in a new production of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s legendary Sunset Boulevard, with lyrics (and book) by Don Black and Christopher Hampton, and directed by Jamie Lloyd.
Sunset Boulevard arrives at London’s Savoy Theatre for a limited 16-week run from 21 September 2023 – 6 January 2024. Book your tickets here